Wind Power

Wind Energy has significant potential and is one of the fastest growing sectors for energy production.

Wind power energy in the Republic of Armenia has total capacity of 450 MW with annual output of 1.26 bln kWh electricity. High prospect areas include the mountain passes of Zod, Jajoor, Sevan, Bazoum mountains; Qarakhach and Pushkin passes, Geghama mountains, Aparan, Meghri and the highlands between Sisian and Goris.

According to the Public Services Regulatory Commission, as of 1 July, 2018, there are 3 operating wind power stations with total rated capacity of 2.910 MW. Additional 2 stations with rated capacity of 5.320 are under construction.


Current international investment projects

On March 30, 2017, the RA Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and "Acciona Energy Global S. L." signed a memorandum on the construction for 100-150 MW capacity wind power plants in Armenia.  In December 2017, the company began implementing wind potential assessment work. Two 80-meter-high wind power monitoring stations and one "Sodar" system were installed. Each station is equipped with eight anemometers, three anemometer data display units, two thermo-humidity meters and one barometer.  

On March 30, 2017, the government of the Republic of Armenia, based on a corresponding decision, expressed support for a United Arab Emirates based company, "Access Infra Central Asia Limited", to construct wind power stations with a capacity of up to 150 MW in Armenia.