Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency policy is an essential factor for the country's energy security, while increasing economic competitiveness and reducing the negative impact of the surrounding environment.
The Government of Armenia is pursuing a policy of boosting energy efficiency methods in all sectors of the economy.
On December 10, 2015, the Government approved the “Strategic Program for the Long-Term Development of the Energy System of the Republic of Armenia” (up to 2036). Measures within this document are divided into two periods, mid-term up to 2025 and long-term up till 2036.
Post implementation, results will show a change in the structure of internal power generation for consumption with Renewable Energy solutions reaching a share of 40% of the energy production market.
On February 2nd, 2017, The Government of Armenia approved the "Second phase of the Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Armenia 2017-2018" (EGP-2) through Protocol Decision No. 4-7. The adoption of this action plan will provide new measure’s which will help further develop energy savings policies in the Republic of Armenia and identifying specific, concrete steps to be taken for its implementation.
Legal Background and Programs
The RA Law on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (2004)
"National Program on Energy Savings and Renewable Energy" (2007)
Order of the President of the Republic of Armenia "On Approving the Concept of Ensuring Energy Security of the Republic of Armenia" (2013)
"Armenia's Energy Security Action Plan for 2014-2020. Program "(2014)
Strategic document "Long-term development of the energy system of the Republic of Armenia (till 2036)" (2015).
“National Program for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of the Republic of Armenia”